Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What is a Species of Special Concern?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Journal of Micronesian Fishing
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
WPCRI Announces Scholarship at University of Guam
DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR SPRING 2011 IS DECEMBER 28, 2010. Please help spread the word.
DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION at the UOG Financial Aid Website http://www.uog.edu/
For more information on WPCRI visit our website at http://www.uog.edu/wpcri
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sea Turtle Outreach Meeting
Friday, October 29, 2010
Importance of water conservation featured at next First Friday Films

Blue Gold: World Water Wars, a film about the conflicts arising from the world’s dwindling freshwater supply, premieres at the next “First Friday Films” at American Memorial Park Visitors Center on Nov. 5. At 6:30 p.m.
Blue Gold: World Water Wars, a film directed by Sam Bozzo, conceives how a seemingly plentiful natural resource, water, could actually spur war. The film examines how large corporations and private investors are buying territories where there are abundant supplies of water, and what everyday citizens can do to collect and conserve water. Blue gold makes a strong case for community awareness and action. It also highlights some success stories of water activists around the globe.
After the film, Derek Chambers, Division of Environmental, will discuss where our tap and drinking water come from on
For planning purposes, the movie runs about 90 minutes long. As always, “First Friday Films” is free and open to the public. Find more information at www.firstfridayfilmssaipan.blogspot.com. Subscribe to the blog for regular updates on upcoming events.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sea Turtle Volunteer Program Meeting
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sea Turtle Books Available for Local Schools

The Pacific Marine Resources Insitute is providing free copies of several sea turtle books to schools on Saipan, Tinian and Rota. The books are part of an effort to build educational capacity in support of the DLNR Sea Turtle Conservation Program and is funded through a contract with NOAA NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office. Please contact info@pacmares.com if you would like copies for your schools library. Contact the DLNR turtle program for in class presentations at 664-6026.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Watch, Learn, Discover!

Dates: April 22
Time: 5:30 p.m. (85 minutes)
Place: American Memorial Park Theater
Sponsored by the Mariana Islands Nature Alliance – MINA (minapacific.org)
THE END OF THE LINE delves beyond the surface of the seas to reveal a troubling truth beneath: an ocean increasingly empty of fish, destroyed by decades of overexploitation. Exploring the tragic collapse of the cod fishery in Newfoundland in the 1990s, the imminent extinction of the prized bluefin tuna, and the devastation wreaked by illegal catches and surpassed fishing quotas, the film uncovers the dark ecological story behind our love affair with fish as food.

Dates: April 19 and April 22
Time: 3 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. (30 minutes)
About “The Lorax”
The Lorax, one of the earliest environmentalists in children's literature, attempts to save trees from destruction by the Once-ler. Watch the Lorax fight for his cause in this animated feature, which also includes "Pontoffel Pock and His Magic Piano," about a piano-playing sprite who travels through space and time in a blink.
Dates: April 20 and 21
Time: 3 p.m. & 5 p.m. (120 minutes)
Place: American Memorial Park Theater
About “HOME”
Award-winning photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand directs this breathtaking ode to planet Earth, an aerial voyage that captures the interdependence of the world's ecosystems -- and the bruises left behind by human indifference. From the agricultural revolution to our ever-increasing reliance on oil, narrator Glenn Close examines the changes that have wreaked havoc on our home, urging viewers to preserve the Earth's remaining natural treasures.
For info: Lisa Eller, DEQ, 664-8500.
Monday, March 29, 2010

MMT gets a 'spot' on Google Ocean. Mariana Islands Biodiversity Survey (Guam), CNMI Sea Turtles (Tinian), and the CNMI MMT's Surveys (Rota) are now highlighted in the Google Ocean layer that is sponsored by the Deep Search Foundation (deepdeep.org). Each post is maked with a blue and white dot that pops up a bit of informatio about an ocean feature and links to related content. You can register to add your own content to the layer through the interface at www.thedeepness.org.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
ihaggan.com - Mariana Islands Sea Turtles' Home on the Web
Monday, March 22, 2010

The United Nation's declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity- a celebration of the importance of the myriad species of plants and animals to the function of the earth's systems and their enrichment of our lives.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The CNMI to Participate in its First Earth Hour
In 2007 the city of Sydney, Australia decided to take a stand against global climate change by turning off their lights for one hour. This was the beginning of what has become the largest world wide event calling for action on climate change: Earth Hour.
Since its beginnings in Sydney, Earth Hour has grown exponentially in its scope and world wide participation. In 2009, 4,159 cities, towns, and municipalities from 88 different countries participated in the event. 100s of millions of people turned out their lights in an effort to raise awareness and promote action on climate change. In 2010 we will add the CNMI to that voice.
Being an island nation, the CNMI will be amongst the countries most affected by climate change. Due to our low elevation, rising sea levels put out buildings, homes, and infrastructure at risk. Increasing ocean temperatures threaten the health of the coral reefs that we depend on for food, tourism, and recreation. Higher probabilities of large storms and droughts stand to greatly affect our local agriculture.
Participating in Earth Hour will help to raise local awareness about the risks and causes of climate change as well as add to the global effort to convince leaders world wide that the time for action on climate change is now.
WWF and its local DEQ partners ask for community support to help spread the word about Earth Hour and to turn lights off between 8:30pm and 9:30pm on Saturday March 27th. More information can be found at earthhour.org or at our local CNMI website: earth-hour-northern-mariana-islands.blogspot.com
For more information about Earth Hour:
Aric Bickel, DEQ Saipan, 664-8513

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Carnival of the Blue 34

Carnival of the blue is a rotating monthly compilation of the "best of" ocean blogging, bringing together ocean bloggers and readers and (hopefully) using new media to build a virtual community of ocean lovers. The Carnival lives on the blogs of community members and you can visit Carnival of the Blue headquarters for links to all the carnivals since ever since.